Kids Opinions Count is a series and should be read in order.

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Our first book is called Diamond in the Ruff. It’s about how Kim and Scott’s dog Max poops out a diamond – DeHops the Diamond Moguls, the internet spies and media finds out – and all H E double hockey sticks breaks loose. And how me and dumb Alex here help Kim and Scott – set the spies and the media straight and end up uncovering a corporate conspiracy with global consequences. And that’s just the beginning!

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In Book Two, the kids investigate a fire at their favorite skateboard and BMX shop and uncover a corporate conspiracy of global proportions.

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In Book Three, Alex and Scott try to use love potions to win the school election and get more than they hoped for.

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In Book Four, a movie shoot at Spring Valley School exposes the kids to the real world of entertainment and it's not pretty!

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In Book Five, the kids find out how people are being turned into corporate zombies by light.

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In Book Six, Tommie’s dastardly boss, Buck Huckster, is finally put on trial and charged with crimes against the First Amendment.

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In Book Seven, the kids become pawns in The Conglomerate's plans to take over the world’s economy.

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In Book Eight, the kids start to take on The Conglomerate but they don’t expect murder.

Listen to us in action!